Music block refurbishments

Every week during term, more than 1,000 individual music lessons and ensembles take place at College, taught by more than 40 permanent or visiting staff. The diversity of music-making is a joy for all and we encourage every pupil at College to express herself creatively. This is not only enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding in itself, but also helps to develop essential skills and self-confidence.

In recent years, College has invested in music facilities, including a recording studio and practice rooms on the main site and in the Houses, as well as a dedicated rehearsal space for student-led bands with guitars, amps, pianos, drums and microphones.

However, we can do more, and you can help us achieve this.

The fabric of the building

Originally an art and music wing, the building dates back over 140 years and has provided generations of students with a space to develop a deep love of music, which for many has followed them throughout their lives. From the earliest Orchestra in the 1890s to today’s diverse range of ensembles, the music emanating from this space is a joy to behold.

Heritage Windows and Floors: From refreshed and restored floors to heritage windows requiring expert refurbishment, there is much to do to upgrade this area of College to be future-fit. Not only do these elements contribute to the ambience of the space, they also help ensure the spaces remain functional throughout the year, and energy efficient.

LED Lighting: By upgrading to energy-efficient LED lights, we can illuminate our practice rooms, rehearsal spaces, and performance areas while significantly reducing our environmental footprint. LED bulbs last longer and consume less energy, leading to cost savings over time. These savings can be reinvested in further improvements.


By supporting out 170th Anniversary Campaign, you can directly impact the music education of our students, ensuring that they can continue to access facilities worthy of our rich musical history.