Diversity, Inclusion and Community

We are committed to nurturing a diverse and inclusive community including pupils, parents and staff, where everyone feels valued and contributes.

By supporting Diversity, Inclusion and Community you are contributing to College's goal to support and enrich our communities, bringing about positive change and benefit to all.

What can you help us achieve?

By donating to College, you can help us:

  • Continue our programme of fully and part-funded bursary places, known as Beale Awards, so we can widen access to the transformational opportunity of a CLC education.

  • Realise Project PH - an enhanced community space in the heart of College

  • Continue to deliver our Social Action, Partnership and Community programmes.

  • Invest in a digital heritage project to digitise our historic collection, helping to future-proof it and improve access to our Archive.

  • and much more

What have we achieved in the past?

  • Assisted over 60 students per year attending College on bursaries.

  • Improved community sport facilities at the Health and Fitness Centre used by community organisations and local schools .

  • Widened access to College facilities including use of the Parabola Arts Centre by local schools and groups.

  • Continued community outreach projects via our long-standing community links programme, including support of organisations such as Lilian Faithful Homes, Riding for Disabled and local food banks.

  • Played an active part in Cheltenham Education Partnership, supporting and working with local schools and educational institutions.

  • Supported local organisations through donations of resources and time.

How can you help?

By supporting Diversity, Inclusion and Community, you will help us foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

Your contribution will enable us to expand our bursary programme, enhance our community spaces and continue our impactful social action initiatives, benefitting both the College and the wider community.